sigils and astrology
Have you heard of sigils? Have you ever made one?
A sigil is a design that is created from a phrase of intention, and it is used as a way to bring your thoughts, ideas, or goals into reality. In a word, sigils help to manifest your wishes into this earthly plane. If you subscribe to the belief that symbols hold meaning, than a sigil is an amped up, symbolic version of your inner thoughts and intentions. Think of it as a personal power statement, in art form. They are typically drawn by hand onto paper, but can also be painted, carved, and even tattooed.
There are a few schools of thought regarding how sigils can be made, and what to do with one once it has been created. Here, I’m going to focus on the method brought forth by artist and witch Laura Tempest Zakroff in her book, Sigil Witchery.
What I love about LTZ’s methodology is that symbols are used in the making of a sigil. The symbols employed can be anything you associate with your personal power statement. Think of stars for magic, wavy lines for a journey, or circles to represent unity. There are no assigned symbols to any thought or feeling, except for what you bring to the table. And because of this, sigils made in this manner are highly personal and speak directly to your own subconscious.
What does a sigil have to do with astrology readings?
Here is where my art and love of astrology join forces to create some magic! In a recent year-ahead reading for a client, the topic of money, resources, and manifesting wealth and freedom came up. The astrology indicated that yes, personal and shared assets, as well as seeking freedom, were topics that were all in the works for them for the coming year. They mentioned specifically wanting to talk about money, and the need to come up with a sizable sum in order to pursue their goals. Using their natal and solar return charts as a jumping off point, I constructed a sigil for them to give them a way to focus on their goals, and be a reminder that the power they need to pursue them lies within themselves.
Here is what I came up with.
The sigil was painted on a business-sized card so that the client could keep it in their wallet, slip into a pocket, or use as a bookmark.
The arrow pointing up is actually the glyph for Sagittarius except in an upward direction, which corresponds to a placement in the client’s chart. The client mentioned that they had recently been listening to a spiritual teacher whose words were very meaningful to them, and helped them through difficult situations. Sagittarius is associated with freedom, philosophy, spiritual guides, and travel to far-off places, so the glyph seemed like it needed a place in the design. A spiral, signifying movement and magic, starts in the center of the arrow and moves outward, and is a reminder that magic comes from within.
The arrow is pointing up towards a coin with rays coming out of it, indicating the reaching towards abundance, both spiritually and financially.
The upward-facing crescent moon represents the client being in a Cancer-ruled 8th house year. The 8th house brings in themes of shared resources and finances. The Cancer Moon is also personal to this person’s chart, and represents the need for nurturing oneself in the face of uncertainty. Luna is facing up to be a container to receive blessings and to safely hold the client in their upcoming journey.
Finally, seven more coins are attached to the bottom of the crescent moon to help balance the design, as well as to reinforce the themes of the 8th house year – if you count up all the coins, there are 8 in total.
The entire sigil was painted in gold to evoke themes of wealth and abundance.
Sigils are meant to be symbols of our statements of power. Although individual components of the design, like the moon or arrow may be recognizable to anyone, the meaning of the sigil, as a whole, resides with each person, and serves as a physical reminder of their goals anytime they set their eyes upon it.
But what if the sigil could be more than a symbol, and more representative than simple dots, lines, and squiggles? Wouldn’t it be fun to reverse-engineer the symbols in the sigil to create a unique piece of art? This is truly art magic - art that might serve as a talisman or a work of power. That was exactly my intention in the creation of this miniature painting based on the sigil. The individual symbolic elements became more fully fleshed out with details, while still maintaining the energy of the original design. It was a fun exercise in creativity, astrology, and magic.
If you are interested in a piece of sigil art for yourself or as a gift, let’s get in touch! These personal art sigils are one-of-a-kind paintings that are small in scale. They are the product of an astrology reading with me, combined with your own personal intentions or goals. More details on how to book a reading can be found here.